pühapäev, 3. juuni 2007



Uuringud* Britannias täpsustatakse alkoholi sildid* Alkoholi kättesaadavus põhikooli õpilastele*

Uuring näitab, et töökoha alkoholipoliitika mõjutab töötajate käitumist

* Uurimus: taskuraha suurus seotud alkoholi kuritarvitamisega teismeliste hulgas
* Alkoholi tarvitamine raseduse ajal soodustab ekstreemselt enneaegse sündimise riski olulist tõusu
* Alkoholialane nõustamine rasedatele naistele
* Uurimus vaatleb joominguid ja ränka alkoholi tarvitamist kõrgkooli õpilaste hulgas* Alkoholi tollimaksu tõstmine Eestis mõjutab Soomet
* Alkoholiga energiajoogid põhjustavad muret
* Esmaspäevastes tööluusides on süüdi pummeldamine ja halb toit
* Autot juhtides lubatud joobeastme piiri tuleks alandada
* Isu reguleerivad hormoonid ja peptiidid võivad olla seotud alkoholi ihaldamise neurobioloogiaga
* Limiteeritud vastuvõtmine meditsiinilistesse uuringutesse võib jätta välja naised ja afroameeriklased
* NCSA tahab tõsta vanusepiiri, millest alates võivad lapsed alkoholi osta
* Aruanne leiab, et alkoholiga seotud auto-surmade arv tõuseb
* Järgmisel aastal tõuseb Eestis alkoholi ja tubaka maks
* Alkoholi mure: “vaimustatud” uuest suunamisest
* Uus Euroopa TV direktiiv: Interneti video puutumata, tootejaotus tulekul
* Kuuba blokeerib Rootsi alkoholi algatuse
* Arvamused:
* 7 viisi, et saada sama tervise turgutus, mis veiniga, ainult ilma alkoholita

Britannias täpsustatakse alkoholi sildid (Happy News (UK))Beer, wine and hard liquor packaging in Britain will carry warning labels next year detailing how many units of alcohol each drink contains as well as recommended safe drinking levels, the public health minister said Monday.


Alkoholi kättesaadavus põhikooli õpilastele (Science Daily)New research suggests that if parents want to keep alcohol away from their middle school children, the best place to start is at home. The study, reported in the June issue of Preventive Medicine, shows that of 11-14 year olds who choose to drink, only a small fraction (2.4% in the 6th grade, rising to 5.6% at the end of the 8th grade) obtain alcohol from commercial venues.


Uuring näitab, et töökoha alkoholipoliitika mõjutab töötajate käitumist (49News)According to the United States government, more than 14 million American adults are heavy alcohol users, meaning they binge drink at least five days each month. http://www.49abcnews.com/news/2007/may/29/study_shows_workplace_alcohol_policies_impact_empl/Uurimus: taskuraha suurus seotud alkoholi kuritarvitamisega teismeliste hulgas (MSNBC (UK))Teenagers with large allowances may be more likely to become problem drinkers, research conducted in the UK hints.


Alkoholi tarvitamine raseduse ajal soodustab ekstreemselt enneaegse sündimise riski olulist tõusu (News-Medical.net (Australia)) A new study has found that maternal alcohol use during pregnancy can contribute to a substantial increase in risk for extreme preterm delivery.

http://www.news-medical.net/?id=25625Alkoholialane nõustamine rasedatele naistele (eMaxHealth (UK))New health guidance is advising pregnant women or those trying to conceive to avoid alcohol.


Uurimus vaatleb joominguid ja ränka alkoholi tarvitamist kõrgkooli õpilaste hulgas (News-Medical.net) People addicted to alcohol and young adults who are heavy drinkers, but not considered alcoholics, have something in common: they possess poor decision-making skills, according to psychologists at the University of Missouri-Columbia.


Alkoholi tollimaksu tõstmine Eestis mõjutab Soomet (Newsroom Finland (Finland))Estonia's decision to hike its duty on alcohol by 30 per cent will have a bearing on Finnish alcohol taxation, Hannes Manninen (centre), the chairman of the Finnish parliamentary Finance Committee, said in a statement Saturday.


Alkoholiga energiajoogid põhjustavad muret (E Canada Now (Canada))Energy drinks which are made with alcohol continue to cause confusion as they are packaged very similarly to non-alcoholic drinks.


Esmaspäevastes tööluusides on süüdi pummeldamine ja halb toit (Sunday Times)Too much alcohol and bad food is the main cause of absenteeism on Mondays, with workers aged 25 to 30 being the main culprits.


Autot juhtides lubatud joobeastme piiri tuleks alandada (Life Style Extra (UK))The drink driving limit should be lowered to curb the rise in deaths caused by drunk young drivers, road safety campaigners said today.


Isu reguleerivad hormoonid ja peptiidid võivad olla seotud alkoholi ihaldamise neurobioloogiaga (News-Medical.net) Recent research suggests that appetite-regulating hormones and peptides may be involved in the neurobiology of alcohol craving. A new study has confirmed that appetite-regulating peptides leptin and ghrelin do indeed influence alcohol craving, but especially among certain subtypes of alcoholics.


Limiteeritud vastuvõtmine meditsiinilistesse uuringutesse võib jätta välja naised ja afroameeriklased (Exudo)A new analysis has found that many alcohol treatment studies are designed in ways that inadvertently omit women and African-Americans from participation. The Stanford University School of Medicine researcher who led the effort said the findings should remind all scientists that strict study eligibility criteria can have unintended, negative consequences.


NCSA tahab tõsta vanusepiiri, millest alates võivad lapsed alkoholi osta (Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (Barbados))The National Council on Substance Abuse wants the legal age at which persons are allowed to purchase and drink alcohol raised to 18.


Aruanne leiab, et alkoholiga seotud auto-surmade arv tõuseb (New York Times (USA))The number of motor vehicle deaths dropped very slightly last year, but deaths in alcohol-related crashes rose slightly.


Järgmisel aastal tõuseb Eestis alkoholi ja tubaka maks (Helsinkin Sanomat (Estonia))The government of Estonia decided on Thursday to implement sharp increases in the taxation of alcohol and tobacco, as well as fuel.


Alkoholi mure: “vaimustatud” uuest suunamisest (Politics.co.uk (UK))Alcohol Concern has signalled its approval of new official guidelines on alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The Department of Health (DoH) changed its advice today, despite admitting it had not seen any new evidence.


Uus Euroopa TV direktiiv: Interneti video puutumata, tootejaotus tulekul (Ars Technica)The European Parliament and the European Council have both signed off on the new Audiovisual Media Services Directive, an overhaul of European TV regulations that will finally bring the joys of product placement to our transatlantic friends.


Kuuba blokeerib Rootsi alkoholi algatuse (Sveriges Radio International (Sweden))Sweden’s bid to get United Nations-endorsed measures to curb alcohol abuse has been blocked, by stiff resistance from Cuba.


Arvamused:„News last week that the UK government was adjusting its advice to pregnant women from allowing the odd glass of wine to a position where total abstention was advised has got one British writer riled.“


ka http://www.emaxhealth.com/87/12457.html7 viisi, et saada sama tervise turgutus, mis veiniga, ainult ilma alkoholita (DetNews)There seems to be a new study out almost every month touting the health benefits of wine -- especially red wine. The beverage is credited with reducing heart disease, some forms of cancer and a host of other health problems.


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