pühapäev, 17. juuni 2007

Eesti keeles Sigmundist


ja teooriat psühhoanalüüsi kohta


Isiksuseteooriaid Freudist

Sadomasohhismi põhjustest ja nägemustest Freudi läbi

Freud "Tungid ja tungisaatused"

Freud "Last pekstakse"

Freud "Masohhismi ökonoomiline probleem"

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siis üpris hea ja ülevaatlik lehekülg


Leidsin Carl Gustav Jungi ja Sigmund Freudi kohta huvitavat pildi ja videomaterjali.

Head vaatamist!

Tervitustega Lia

Raamatukogu aadressil: check this site

Sigmund Freud 6.05.1856- 23.09.1939

Sigmund Freud, physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist and father of psychoanalysis, is generally recognised as one of the most influential and authoritative thinkers of the twentieth century.
Working initially in close collaboration with Joseph Breuer, Freud elaborated the theory that the mind is a complex energy-system, the structural investigation of which is proper province of psychology.
He articulated and refined the concepts of the unconscious, of infantile sexuality, of repression, and proposed a tri-partite account of the mind's structure, all as part of a radically new conceptual and therapeutic frame of reference for the understanding of human psychological development and the treatment of abnormal mental conditions.
Notwithstanding the multiple manifestations of psychoanalysis as it exists today, it can in almost all fundamental respects be traced directly back to Freud's original work.

About Sigmond Freud
BORN : May 6, 1856, in Freiberg, Moravia
1881 : Earns medical degree
1885 : Receives appointment as lecturer in neuropathology,
University of Vienna1886 : Begins private neurology practice in Vienna;
marries Martha Bernays
1900 : Publishes The Interpretation of Dreams
1910 : Establishes International Psychoanalytic Association
1938 : Emigrates from Vienna to London
DIED : September 23, 1939, in London


videos of Sigmond Freud

In mid-March 1938, when Freud was eighty-one, the Nazis took over Austria, and after some reluctance, he emigrated to England with his wife and his favorite daughter and colleague, Anna, "to die in freedom."
He got his wish, dying not long after the Nazis unleashed World War II by invading Poland. Listening to an idealistic broadcaster proclaiming this to be the last war, Freud, his stoical humor intact, commented wryly, "My last war."

pictures of sigmond freud

He is standing 4th from left (with beard)

amalia freud.

View of Tabor street. vienna (1899)

Engagement album photographs of Martha Bernaysin 1880 and of Freud and Martha in 1886

"A Project for a Scientific Psychology"Holograph manuscript, 1895 [published 1950]

Freud's sketch of his roomat the General Hospital in Vienna

Freud's translation ofCharcot's lectures into German

"The Committee:"(left to right seated) Freud, Sàndor Ferenczi, and Hanns Sachs (standing) Otto Rank, Karl Abraham, Max Eitingon, and Ernest Jones

Group photo taken at Clark University; Worcester, September 10, 1909

Telegram Freud sent to his wife Martha from Worcester, 1909

International Psychoanalytic Congress, Weimar

Freud at a psychoanalytic congress in The Hague, 1920

International Psychoanalytic Congress, The Hague

International Psychoanalytic CongressOxford Panoramic photograph, 1929

Sigm. Freud Gesammelte Schriften.

Carl Jung

Alfred Adler's U.S. immigration card, 1933

Sigmund Freud, 1926Chalk on paper

Freud contemplating figure[possibly Javanese], 1937

Portrait of Freud with inscription in Freud's hand: "There is no medicine against death, and against error no rule has been found"

mother snaps.......

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The Interpretation of Dreams 2 votes (33%)
An Outline of Psycho-Analysis 1 vote (16%)
Moses and Monotheism 1 vote (16%)
Civilization and Its Discontents 0 votes (0%)
The Future of an Illusion 0 votes (0%)
The Ego and the Id 2 votes (33%)
Beyond the Pleasure Principle 0 votes (0%)
On Narcissism 0 votes (0%)
Totem and Taboo 0 votes (0%)
Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious 0 votes (0%)
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality 0 votes (0%)
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life 0 votes (0%)
Studies on Hysteria 0 votes (0%)
total: 6 votes

Sigmund Freud (May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychology.
Although Freud's writings were not always perfectly systematic, the received views of his theories generally include the following hypotheses:Human development is best understood in terms of changing objects of sexual desire.
The psychic apparatus habitually represses wishes, usually of a sexual or aggressive nature, whereby they become preserved in one or more unconscious systems of ideas.
Unconscious conflicts over repressed wishes have a tendency to manifest themselves in dreams, parapraxes ("Freudian slips") and symptoms.
Unconscious conflicts are the source of neuroses. Neuroses can be treated through bringing the unconscious wishes and repressed memories to consciousness in psychoanalytic treatment.
The name Freud is generally pronounced /fɹɔɪd/ in English and /frɔɪt/ in German.
He is commonly referred to as "the father of psych

super-ego corresponds to conscience.
Ego is a vaguely demarcated region of the psyche that has
1)id lying on the physical/somatic side of it from which it accepts commands such as get me food, get me warmth, get me sex etc. and a portion of the id's energy
2)the external world on another interface from which it accepts stimulii and runs the reality-check, the id is blind to the external world it just communicates the body's needs and desires to the ego
3)the super-ego which censures and punishes socially unacceptable actions
Strain between the ego and the id is known as neurosisStrain/break between the ego and the external world is known as psychosis
The ego's challenge is to balance these three while maintaining its integrity.
This, so far, is my understanding of it

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

C. G. Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist who changed the way we think about the human psyche, or personality.
Jung coined terms that are becoming increasingly common in today's language.
He described people as introverts and extroverts in their dominant approach to the world.
He used the word persona to describe the mask each of us wears in the world to hide our deep self, and individuation for the process of becoming fully conscious, that is, of integrating our unconscious vitalities into our conscious lives.
His work on personality types and dream interpretation have helped millions to understand themselves, their inner landscapes and mythic connections.

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Freud said that the goal of therapy was to make the unconscious conscious.
He certainly made that the goal of his work as a theorist.
And yet he makes the unconscious sound very unpleasant, to say the least: It is a cauldron of seething desires, a bottomless pit of perverse and incestuous cravings, a burial ground for frightening experiences which nevertheless come back to haunt us.
Frankly, it doesn't sound like anything I'd like to make conscious!
A younger colleague of his, Carl Jung, was to make the exploration of this "inner space" his life's work.
He went equipped with a background in Freudian theory, of course, and with an apparently inexhaustible knowledge of mythology, religion, and philosophy.
Jung was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism.
If anyone could make sense of the unconscious and its habit of revealing itself only in symbolic form, it would be Carl Jung.

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Analytical Psychology It interprets feelings and behavior in terms of both an individual and racial unconscious.
Jung's theories are based mainly on historical, artistic and occult evidence.
His writings are filled with references to ancient literary works which reflect all of the common archetypes of the collective unconscious.
Jung emphasizes four archetypes:
1. Persona -- The picture of the individual presented to society.
2. Anima (in men), animus (in women) -- Representing areas of female masculinity and male femininity.
3. Shadow -- Animal instincts reminiscent of non-human ancestors.
4. Self -- An archetype which holds the entire personality system together

Psychological functions
They are classified into:
-Thinking: The thinking man is an intellectual; he tries to understand the nature of the world and of himself.
- Feeling: The feeling man is emotional; he values things according to subjective experiences.
- Sensing: The sensing man is a perceiver; he looks for concrete facts and information about the world.
- Intuiting: The intuiting man is a mystic; he tries to discover the essence of the world by going beyond facts or feelings. Everyone, according to Jung, is a mixture of these functions, but the personality of an individual is determined by the function that is predominant.




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2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMYw8eeeHvM&mode=related&search=
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6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEsDDiRJMJs&mode=related&search=
7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKKv6ekrQsE&mode=related&search=
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13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy_Qh2H7no8&mode=related&search=
14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSv5al6WbBY&mode=related&search=

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3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLoMRNTkYTA&mode=related&search=

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1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XDb3fC_h4w&mode=related&search=

2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2KANK86tZg&mode=related&search=


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ETV dok filmid Autism

9. juunil, 1/3: Mäluhiiglased
21. sajandil on teadlased hakanud uurima inimaju mõtlemisprotsessi.
On suur ime, et see isevärki asi meie peas üldse töötab.
Kuid mõned imed tulevad ilmsiks alles siis, kui midagi läheb viltu.
Maailmas on inimesi, kes ilmutavad hämmastavaid, peaaegu üleinimlikke võimeid.
Ühed neist on autistid - nad jäävad argitoimetustega hätta, kuid suudavad opereerida meeletult suurte arvudega või hakata üleöö klaverit mängima.

16. juunil, 2/3: Einsteini efekt
Väiksena ei talunud Matt Savage oma ema ega kellegi teise puudutust.
Kuueaastasena õppis ta peaaegu üleöö klaverit mängima ja seitsmeaastasena oli ta juba tunnustatud jazz-pianist ning helilooja, keda kutsuti esinema jazz-klubidesse.
Niisama hämmastav on Stephen Wiltshire'i kunst.
Ta lendab helikopteriga 45 minutit Rooma kohal ja joonistab seejärel igavesest linnast viiemeetrise detailse panoraami õhust vaadatuna.
Alonso Clemmensil on aga uskumatu võime muuta kahemõõtmelisi kujutisi kolmemõõtmelisteks skulptuurideks.
Filmis uuritakse moodsa tehnika abil, mis toimub üliandekate inimeste ajus ja kuidas see erineb normaalsest ajust.

23. juunil, 3/3: Suur erinevus
Kui Temple Grandinil diagnoositi 1950. aastatel autism, soovitati vanematel ta hooldusasutusse anda.
Praegu on Temple tunnustatud loomade käitumise uurija ja lektor.
Tal on nimelt imeline võime mõista loomi.
Ta tajub nende hirmu ja tundeid, kuid ta ei saa aru tavaliste inimeste tunde- ja mõttemaailmast. Ta ei suuda kunagi elus armuda. Sama lugu on Christopher Tayloriga.
Ta ei leia teed külas, kus on elanud 20 aastat, kuid samal ajal loeb ajalehti 25 keeles ja räägib enam-vähem vabalt nii palju keeli, et nende üleslugemiseks ei piisa ühe käe sõrmedest. Seitsmest autismiga inimesest on kuus mehed.
Mis teeb autismist ennekõike meeste probleemi?
Kas ühendused meeste ja naiste ajus on tõepoolest erinevalt paika pandud?
Dokumentaalsarja viimases osas uuritakse uusima tehnika abil, mil moel naise ja mehe aju erinevad

Videod ETV-st

Leinapäev 2007

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