laupäev, 28. aprill 2007



30.04.2007.a. kl 19.00 avaldab Andrus Kahn Tallinna Keeltemaja vahetus läheduses Endla tn 28 autohüpnoosi saladusi.

Millest tuleb juttu ja mida on võimalik kogeda?
1. Hüpnoos- miks ja kuidas?
2. Juhendatud autohüpnoosi seanssi läbiviimine (osalemine on vabatahtlik!)

Kes ma olen?
Oma erialased teadmised ja kogemused olen saanud Tartu Ülikoolist, õppides psühholoogiat ning töötades pikka aega ettevõtte tegevjuhina. Lisaks olen lõpetanud NLP Instituudis practitioner ja NLP Master practitioner väljaõppekursused.
Olen läbinud mitmeid suhtlemis- ja nõustamispsühholoogia praktilisi kursuseid sh täiendanud end lahenduskeskses lühiteraapias ning läbinud ettevõtete superviisorite rahvusvahelise väljaõppekursuse.
Stern Koolituses tegutsen koolitajana ettevõtte loomisest alates. Minu põhilisteks koolitusvaldkondadeks on suhtlemisoskused, konfliktijuhtimine, ajajuhtimine, eneseregulatsioon, stressijuhtimine, müük ja klienditeenindus ning personalijuhtimine.
2007 aasta juunis lõpetan Prantsuse Hüpnoteraapia Assotsiatsioonis hüpnoterapeutide kolmeaastase väljaõppe, lisaks töötan psühholoogilise nõustajana (sertifitseeritud NLP konsultant).

Kohtumiseni !
Andrus Kahn

NB! Osalemisest anna teada

kolmapäev, 25. aprill 2007

JURE 25.aprillil 2007.a.

Jure sünnipäeval 25.04.07

Hetk lõõgastuseks

Ja nüüd järgmine ülesanne


neljapäev, 19. aprill 2007

Tagasiside 18.09.07 toimunule...

Meid oli kohal 10 inimest: Lia, Christine, Ursula, Margit, Maret, Arvo, Elisabeth, Ove, Koit, ja Elina.

Kõigepealt andsime väikese tagasiside möödunud nädalast, kus vastasime küsimustele, mis on hästi ja mis on halvasti. Palju meie üleelamisi ja emotsioone oli seotud eelmisel nädalal lahvatanud meedia rünnakuga Sach International´ile ja Jure seaduslikule tegevusele Eestis.
Proovisime mõüistatada, kes on sellisest skandaalist huvitatud ja millistel kaalutlustel seda läbi viiakse.
Leidsime, et asjast (kooli kahjustavast halvast mainest) huvitatuid võib olla tunduvalt enam kui algselt paistab.

Meie arvamus kõlab järgnevalt:
1. sellest konfliktist oleme kõik võitnud, sest igaüks meist saab enda jaoks teada olulisi motiive, mis meid on aktiveerinud vastavat koolitust läbi viima.
2. me oskame leida endi jaoks vajalikke tõendeid internetist, mis kinnitavad, et Sach International on olemas ja samuti High Diploma hüpnoteraapia- psühholoogias.
3. tuleb luua hüpno- psühholoogia liit või ühendus, mis hakkab meie ja ka õppeasutuse huve kaitsma ja tööd koordineerima.
4. kiiresti vajalik õppekava kirja panna (tõlkida), mis kergendab legaalse õpetamise loa ja litsentsi väljaandmist Eestis.
5. toetada Juret kõige selle ellu viimisel ja teda ka 25.mail 54.sünnipäeva puhul kena ja armsa, meie koostatud luuletusega meeles pidama. Selleks saadan meie meililisti väikese üleskutse ja palun kõigil jõudumööda sellega ühineda ja oma panus anda selle luuletuse loomiseks...

Lõpetasime peale kella 21 ja kohtume niisiis meili teel ning juba 24.aprillil toimuval sessil...

Kauneid kevadisi hetki soovides, meie kõik eelpool loetletud kaaslased

teisipäev, 17. aprill 2007

Kolmapäev 18.04.07 Männikul


Oleksin rõõmus tänase kohtumise üle Männikul kell 18.00.
Võimaluse korral anna palun märku, kui oled tulija.

Tervitustega Lia
GSM: 5534410

Jure Biechonski's ( birthday is on Wednesday April 25th.
Jure will be 54 years old.

esmaspäev, 16. aprill 2007

Higher Diploma in Hypnotherapy

- PsychologyBeyond the script - beyond the technique
Are you trained as a hypnotherapist but having trouble creating a successful practice with ongoing long-term clients? Then this is the next step in your professional development!
This is the first accreditation program in Hypnotherapy/Psychology offered in the USA. This training will deepen your therapeutic skills to achieve results beyond your clients' expectations and keep them coming back to you for long-term therapy. It will also establish your international qualifications as a respected practitioner of Hypnotherapy/ Psychology. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
At least 100 hours of previous hypnosis training is required for admittance to the program. In addition to the listed courses, students are required to complete 250 hours of further hypnosis instruction before receiving their diploma. AFFILIATIONS
This advanced course series for certified hypnotherapists leads to certification by the City and Guilds in the United Kingdom, which is the oldest accrediting body of professionals in the World.
^ Top
OUR INSTRUCTOR: Jure Yoram Biechonski MSc (Counseling - Psychology) PGCE
Jure Biechonski is a Hypnotherapist - Psychologist and is author and designer of the course material.
Jure brings to the course 25 years of practice as a psychotherapist and 9 years study of Hypnotherapy and NLP. He is the director of one of the United Kingdom's largest and most respected schools of hypnosis, counselling and psychology. He is the creator of the world's first Hypnotherapy - Psychology program.
Former teacher and actor, he has eight years of academic education plus three years of training in Humanistic Counselling and two years in Family Counselling. He has studied Psychodrama in Berlin, Art & Dance Therapy in Italy.
Jure has studied for three years in The U.K. College of Hypnotherapy & Counselling and is a graduate of The Atkinson Ball College of Hypnotherapy & Hypnohealing. His qualifications and extensive studies have provided him with a wide scope of various counselling and hypnotic skills, which ensures a high success rate among his clients and students. He is founder of the School of Analytical and Cognitive Hypnotherapy and creator of Transactional Hypnoanalysis.
^ TopJure enjoys giving lectures and workshops in the UK and internationally.
He is a regular guest lecturer in Sichuan University in Chengdu, China, and The Academy of Therapeutic Studies in St. Petersburg, Russia. He also lectures regularly in the USA and the eastern block.
"Jure Biechonski is one of today's most extraordinary therapists and teachers in the field of transpersonal therapy. I found myself hanging on every word he shared about his revolutionary techniques. When he returns here from England I will be in class as a student and I don't want any Alchemist to miss this opportunity!" David Quigley Creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy COURSE REQUIREMENTS
The Higher Diploma Course in Hypnotherapy - Psychology is designed according to the latest requirements of various professional organisations. Anyone who wishes to become a therapist capable of helping those suffering from emotional disorders requires a thorough and comprehensive training which includes a clear demonstration of the skills and approaches taught.
Such training should include a study of psychology, and theories and methods of psychotherapy, as well as acquiring the ability to use a wide variety of hypno-therapeutic techniques.
Students will be expected to take full case histories and to maintain confidential records. Students will be required to complete three case studies per month to fulfil the course requirements. Case studies will be written as a result of work with supervised study groups.
Opportunities are given for students to present and offer case histories for open discussion. By the end of the course students are expected to have documented 60 case studies. Students will be tested on their success in developing their own counselling approach according to the integrative principles presented.
Through the training there will also be an emphasis on self-awareness, personal growth and development. The practice of co-counselling is encouraged.
Students as future practitioners are expected to be mentally and emotionally fit to help others. Due to the sensitive material that will be handled during the course, it is inevitable that one's own issues will surface. These issues will be worked with on the course, but as the course is not regarded as Ôtherapy', students will be required to work with these issues outside of the course hours if need be. If students feel they need to refer to therapy at any point within the course, a list of recommended and competent therapists, trained by the School, will be provided. Therapy is not a requirement of the diploma course, but with some professional bodies it is expected as part of their membership requirements. DURATION
Appreciating the pressures of modern life, time and financial constraints, the training course is conducted at weekends, one weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) every two months. The programme is designed to be completed within one year.
The training days are mainly experiential, and commence from: 9.00am until 9.00pm, Friday & Saturday & 9.00am until 6.00pm Sunday. (33 credit hours per weekend)
There will be two 15-minute tea breaks and 1-hour lunch & dinner breaks. As we will be working as a group, students are encouraged to bring food to share, and the lunch break is an integral part of the course.
Throughout the training course, students are expected to meet regularly between the course dates. This is to enhance practice and gain benefit from the exchange of information in regard to practice and previous knowledge from those students already in the caring professions.
The assessment on this course is ongoing and accumulative. Students have to demonstrate understanding of what they are doing, being able at all times to explain and clarify their therapeutic interventions as well as being able to critically evaluate their work and the work of others.
By the end of the course students are expected to submit a portfolio of case studies that show evidence of understanding and applying the course material to therapy.
As we have a professional responsibility to maintain a high standard of practice within the Hypnotherapy - Psychology field, the School staff will constantly assess students. If any student does not reach the required standard of work, intellectually and interpersonally, then they may be asked to withdraw from the course or be referred to further training in Hypnotherapy.INVESTMENT
The cost of the course is $2700 in total, which is spread across the duration of the course. This is divided into 6 monthly instalments of $450, (10% discount if paid in advance) and a non-refundable deposit payable with your application of $200 for registration fees and course materials. $150 optional cost for registration and assessment fee City & Guilds Certification.
To register for the course, fill out & send your application form with your $200 deposit and evidence of previous approved hypnotherapy training. COURSE CONTENT
The following outline of the course is a necessarily general one. The syllabus below will be adopted to the needs of individual students and constantly updated with the latest technologies of Hypnotherapy-Psychology as they are developed. This is a LEARN BY DOING, Ôhands on' programme and not just a theory-lecture course. THE SYLLABUS 601: Counselling Skills: A Three Stage Model
Introduction to psychology; psychoanalytical theories of personality; Freud, Jung and Adler. You will learn to identify the stages of childhood development according to Freud; identify and work with defence mechanisms; explore basic theory of Jungian archetypes and work with Adler's birth order theory.
^ Top602: Object Relations Therapy: Utilizing Transference and Countertransference
Often an inner parents for the inner child is not enough for your clients. They need your parenting as well. Using Winnicott's concept of holding the client, Melanie Klein's theory of the paranoid-schizoid position and Bowlby's Attachment Theory, we will learn to work with and within the transference and countertransference in the hypnotic state to maximise client results. We will also learn corrective parenting skills for the therapist. 603: The Therapeutic Alliance
Using Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy to facilitate client change. Unfocused listening - how to listen to what the client is not saying that you need to know. Using the "Internal Supervisor" - (your inner guide to effective therapy work) to evaluate objectively while also sharing subjectively the client's process. Developing an understanding of how the therapeutic relationship is developed and maintained. 604: Refining the Tools of Humanistic Psychology for the 21st Century
Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs you will help clients to understand and achieve their full potential in hypnotherapy. We also cover: Rogerian Theory, Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Theory and Practice, and using philosophical concepts of Existentialism to help clients define a life purpose beyond their presenting problem.
^ Top
605: From Regression to Progression
All Hypnotherapists know how to fix the past. Now learn to help clients discover and experience a clear path to their future. They will learn to discover and resolve every obstacle, every incremental step to this dynamic future, using both the Future Self and rescue missions for whichever inner child may be blocking each stage of the client's journey to fulfilment.606: Archetypes and the Conference Room
Taking sub-personalities work down to the body and up to the soul by incorporating Transactional Hypnoanalysis and Alchemical Hypnotherapy methods of sub-personality work.
First help your clients to integrate mind and body into a spiritual integrated self by developing awareness of our body's different parts as archetypes within our psychic makeup.
Then we will integrate the Western tradition of fairy tales as archetypes of our collective unconscious with the Native American tradition of animals as sources of wisdom and power. By placing these figures around the conference room table we experience sub-personality work at a deeper soul level.
We will also learn to deal with the issues of transition and bereavement, which are an integral part of the human condition.
On successfully passing the Diploma course you will be entitled to:
^ Top
Receive a Diploma from SACH in Hypnotherapy - Psychology
Use the letters D.H.Psy. after your name. (Diplomat in Hypnotherapy-Psychology)
Qualify for National Vocational Qualification with City & Guilds (NVQ level 4)
Receive continuing education credits with the American Council of Hypnotists Examiners
With this programme, we believe that we have provided a course that not only fully equips you with the knowledge and tools to be a successful therapist, but also the essential extras to make your new career a success.
The course begins in Northern California in 1st - 2nd - 3rd October 2004.
And will be followed by 5 more weekends x 3 days (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) once every two months, for a total number of 200 hours.
Further courses will be available throughout the US according to local demand.
To sponsor a programme in your area, contact the numbers below:
For further information please contact:
^ Top
The Alchemy Institute of Healing Arts 567-A Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (800) 950-4984 Outside the US (707) 537-0495 FAX: (707) 537-0496 e-mail: web:
For information about SACH INTERNATIONAL please contact: SACH INTERNATIONAL The Jontons, Blind Lane, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9SN. United Kingdom Tel: +44 1277 659404 Fax: +44 1277 659403 e-mail: web:

News items, from the year 2004


JÄTKA otsinguid!

Abstract: . . . Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Texas: Spring Publications. Zipes, J. (1993). The Trials and Tribulations of Little red Riding Hood. London: Routledge. Tel: Jure Biechonski: + 44 (0) 1277 659404. Page 15 15 Email: Jure Biechonski: Web: © SACH 1998-2004. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the authors. . . .. . . Fromm, E. (1951).The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to the Understanding of Drams, Fairy Tales and Myths. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Jung Carl (1964) Man and its symbols, Aldus boks Ltd, London Girard, M. (1999). Les Contes de Grimm: Lecture Psychanalytique. Paris: Imago. Heuscher, J. (1974). A Psychiatric Study of Myths and Fairy Tales: their Origin, Meaning and Usefulness. Springfield, Ill: Charles Thomas Publisher. Kaes, R., et al. (1984). Contes et Divans. Paris: Dunod. Kast, V. (1995). Folktales as Therapy. New York: Fromm International Publishing Corporation. La Genardiere, Claude de. (1996). Encore un Conte? Le Petit Chaperon Rouge a l'usage des Adultes. Paris: L' Harmattan. Luthi, M. (1987). The Fairy Tale as Art Form and Portrait . . .. . . tales, splitting and development. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 14, (4) 591-602. Schectman, J. (1998). The Stepmother in Fairy Tales. Boston: Sigo Press. Schwartz, K.E. (1956). A psychoanalytic study of the fairy tale. American J. ofPsychotherapy, 10, 740 -762. Tatar, M. (1999). The Classic Fairy Tales. London: W.W. Norton & Company. Von Franz, M.L. (1982). Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Texas: Spring Publications. Zipes, J. (1993). The Trials and Tribulations of Little red Riding Hood. London: Routledge. Tel: Jure Biechonski: + 44 (0) 1277 659404. Page 15 15 Email: Jure Biechonski: Web: © SACH 1998-2004. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the authors. . . .. . . splitting and development. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 14, (4) 591-602. Schectman, J. (1998). The Stepmother in Fairy Tales. Boston: Sigo Press. Schwartz, K.E. (1956). A psychoanalytic study of the fairy tale. American J. ofPsychotherapy, 10, 740 -762. Tatar, M. (1999). The Classic Fairy Tales. London: W.W. Norton & Company. Von Franz, M.L. (1982). Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Texas: Spring Publications. Zipes, J. (1993). The Trials and Tribulations of Little red Riding Hood. London: Routledge. Tel: Jure Biechonski: + 44 (0) 1277 659404. Page 15 15 Email: Jure Biechonski: Web: © SACH 1998-2004. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the authors. . . .--3000,4,375,2932,35530...downloading file:1 THE USE OF FAIRY TALES IN ADULT PSYCHOTHERAPY & HYPNOTHERAPY.PDF
from: www.iranpa.orgIf download not starts automatically click here

Ubicación del Congreso:

Professor Jure Biechonski:Mente, Cuerpo, y Alma PsiconeuroiNmunologÍa Trabajando con desórdenes psicosomáticos usando Hipnosis
Este presentación experimental le enseñara como usar su mente para tomar control de su cuerpo. Usted aprenderá métodos con los que podrá ayudarse y a otros a incrementar su salud física y emocional. Para profesionales, les dará una herramienta adicional para ayudar a sus pacientes a obtener una mejor integración holística entre la mente y el cuerpo y ganar una comprensión mas a fondo del propósito de sus vidas.(40 min.)

Avenida Ventura Puente esquina Avenida Camelinas Col. Félix Ireta C.P. 58070 Morelia, Michoacán. Tel.(+52)(443) 322 80 00; 22 80 28; 22 80 67 Fax.(+52)(443) 315 02 81; 22 80 74 Email:

Martes (Julio 10, 2007): Información del Congreso en la Mesa de Registro (de las 4:00 p.m a las 8:00 p.m) en el hotel. Se ofrecerán refrigerios, bebidas y música.
Miércoles (Julio 11, 2007) Registro: 7:00 a.m. Ceremonia de Inauguración: 9:00 a.m Conferencias, Intercambios clínicos, Simposiums y talleres Jueves-Domingo (Julio 12-15, 2007): Talleres y Ceremonia de Clausura. Noche Mexicana (Julio 14, 2007).

Richard Page, Ph.D.
Eric K. Milliner, M.D

James H. Straub, Ed.D.

Jules Weiss, Ed.D

Marie Wilson, M.D.
Caso: Héroe que regresa y la Esposa Ausente
Una crisis marital emerge después de varias sesiones en la terapia de Carl y Trudy expresa su deseo de dejar el matrimonio y la terapia. Se les da este caso a cinco clínicos reconocidos y se les pregunta como procederían si Anne fuera su paciente, que necesitarían saber y como lo averiguarían; como tratarían a Anne en términos de intervenciones psicofarmacológicas, formato y la relación que se esforzarían por crear con ella, cuales serian sus expectativas y dudas en cuanto la terapia progresa? Nuestro panel para el caso de Anne es: Eric K. Milliner, M.D., Psiquiatra en practica privada y coordinador de Educación psicoterapeuta en la Clínica Mayo en Rochester, Minnesota; Marie A. Wilson, M.D., Medico/Psicoterapeuta que practica en Edmonton, Atlanta en Canadá; James H. Straub, Ed.D., psicólogo y Director del Center for Family and Individual Counseling and Human Systems Consultants en Missouri, EE.UU; y Jules Weiss, Ed.D., un psicólogo, Terapeuta de Arte en Texas y autor de dos libros.
El caso de estudio será proporcionado a cada participante en español e ingles durante el congreso.

Re: Childhood Sexual Abuse
Re: Childhood Sexual Abuse
Regarding this thread it seems one of the questions/sets-of-opinions is when Hypnotherapy might be contraindicated and when to refer clients. Presented here...

Diploma (BO 12) Final Assessment
Diploma (BO 12) Final Assessment
Congratulations and well done to all the members of BO 12 who attended the Diploma Course final assessment today. Once again it is wonderful that all attendees...

Hipnoanaliza tranzactionala
Hipnoanaliza tranzactionala (HAT)de Jure Biechonski, MSc
Traducerea in limba romana: Oana Maria Popescu
Ce este hipnoanaliza tranzactionala?
HAT ( hipnoanaliza tranzactionala) este o parte a psihologiei transpersonale care are la baza teoria conform careia personalitatea este formata din mai multe parti diferite. Scopul HAT este de a integra un ego constient in cadrul personalitatii, invatandu-ne cum sa accesam diferitele parti ale personalitatii noastre prin hipnoza. In timpul hipnoanalizei invatam sa acordam atentie acelor parti ale personalitatii care au fost suprimate, si cum sa micsoram acele parti care au fost hiperinflate.

Hipnoanaliza tranzactionala (HAT)de Jure Biechonski, MSc
Traducerea in limba romana: Oana Maria Popescu
Ce este hipnoanaliza tranzactionala?
HAT ( hipnoanaliza tranzactionala) este o parte a psihologiei transpersonale care are la baza teoria conform careia personalitatea este formata din mai multe parti diferite. Scopul HAT este de a integra un ego constient in cadrul personalitatii, invatandu-ne cum sa accesam diferitele parti ale personalitatii noastre prin hipnoza. In timpul hipnoanalizei invatam sa acordam atentie acelor parti ale personalitatii care au fost suprimate, si cum sa micsoram acele parti care au fost hiperinflate.
Invatand sa accesam diversele parti ale personalitatii noastre, ne vom intelege mult mai bine pe noi insine, ceea ce ne va influenta relatiile, capacitatea de a ne exprima experientele spirituale si pe noi insine. Scopul global al integrarii Eului in HAT este managementul psihologic sanatos al personalitatii ca intreg.
“ Singurii diavoli din lume sunt aceia din inimile noastre, si acesta este locul in care trebuie purtata batalia” - Mahatma Ghandi.
Deoarece ne-am separat mintea de corp pentru a evita anxietatea, ne-am disociat de corpul nostru si am pierdut legatura cu el. Noi suntem corpul sau mintea noastra; nu ne ascultam corpul, si orice durere sau senzatie, care este modalitatea corpului de a comunica cu noi, este imediat suprimata cu ajutorul substantelor chimice. Este ca si cum am conduce masina, si auzind un zgomot puternic de la motor, in loc sa verificam ce nu este in regula, ne punem antifoane si continuam sa conducem.
In ce priveste corpul nostru, ne preocupam mai mult de aspectul exterior decat de functiile sale interne, ne-am scos din uz inimile, stomacul, ficatul si chiar si organele sexuale.
In mod inconstient ne depozitam stresul si anxietatea in corp, pentru a le impiedica sa existe, si facand aceasta, blocam fluxul energetic din corpul nostru si dezvoltam boli care in mare masura nici nu exista in lumea naturala. Si asa cum stim ca unele ganduri ne pot face sa ne fie frig si unele sentimente ne pot incalzi, devenim constienti de gradul in care mintea si corpul se influenteaza unul pe celalalt..
Ma intreb daca exprimari cum sunt: durere de inima, urmeaza-ti inima, cu mintea confuza, rau de la stomac, nu sunt o parte a inconstientului colectiv si a tendintelor arhetipale dobandite ca rezultat al evolutiei?
Am creat de asemenea o dihotomie intre gandurile noastre logice si sentimentele noastre si cateodata ne percepem ca si cum am fi pe un camp de lupta intern, luptandu-ne intre ceea ce gandim si ceea ce simtim, o paralizie a analizei, in care ne gasim prinsi intre doua forte, ca o lupta dintre id-ul si superego-ul freudian, in timp ce Eul se simte in plus.
Urmeaza-ti inima sau urmeaza-ti mintea, si vei sta la rascrucea vietii pentru totdeauna, incapabil sa iei o decizie.
Din ceea ce este cunoscut:
Instaleaza-te confortabil si inchide ochii.

Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis
Many thousands of people all over the world have discovered the power of Alchemical Hypnotherapy to change their lives. The Alchemy Institute offers professional hypnotherapy sessions in person and by telephone and transformational workshops throughout the USA that can show you how to use the power of your inner mind to change your life in all of these ways: healing pain and illness, conquering addictions, losing weight, smoking cessation, transforming relationships, discovering sexual fulfillment, recovery from anxiety and depression, creating prosperity. We also offer professional training in hypnotherapy at the oldest spiritually oriented hypnosis school in the country. This program is approved by the NGH (National Guild Of Hypnotists) to offer professional training for hypnotherapists and continuing education for nurses, psychotherapists, social workers and body work practicioners. The Alchemy Web Site offers over 100 pages of information on Alchemical Hypnotherapy and the amazing spiritual and physical transformation of graduates of our training. Use the search box below to find exactly what you are looking for.

What is Hypnotherapy - Psychology?
Hypnotherapy - Psychology is among the latest developments in the field of transpersonal hypnotherapy. The aim of the program offered by the Alchemy Institute and the School of Analytical & Cognitive Hypnotherapy is to provide hypnotherapy with the proper theoretical underpinnings, and give hypnotherapy the academic and professional credibility it deserves as a serious therapeutic discipline.
Hypnotherapy - Psychology bridges the science of Psychology and the art of Philosophy with the powerful tools of hypnosis. Thus it goes beyond the presenting issue to establish for the client an integrated identity. This new psychological specialty facilitates growth across the life span, with a focus on health related, sexual, emotional, vocational, social and spiritual concerns.
Through the integration of theory and technique, demonstration and practice, this specialty encompasses a broad range of practices that help people improve their well-being, alleviate distress and maladjustment, resolve crises and increase their ability to live more highly functioning lives.
As a graduate you will be able to identify the patterns and themes that different clients have in common, by recognising specific personality types, and start creating new therapeutic interventions adapted to the needs of these clients.
In addition, Hypnotherapy - Psychology will train its practitioners in sensitivity to a world of increasing cultural and religious diversity.

Higher Diploma in Hypnotherapy - PsychologyBeyond the script - beyond the technique
Are you trained as a hypnotherapist but having trouble creating a successful practice with ongoing long-term clients? Then this is the next step in your professional development!
This is the first accreditation program in Hypnotherapy/Psychology offered in the USA. This training will deepen your therapeutic skills to achieve results beyond your clients' expectations and keep them coming back to you for long-term therapy. It will also establish your international qualifications as a respected practitioner of Hypnotherapy/ Psychology. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
At least 100 hours of previous hypnosis training is required for admittance to the program. In addition to the listed courses, students are required to complete 250 hours of further hypnosis instruction before receiving their diploma. AFFILIATIONS
This advanced course series for certified hypnotherapists leads to certification by the City and Guilds in the United Kingdom, which is the oldest accrediting body of professionals in the World.
^ Top
OUR INSTRUCTOR: Jure Yoram Biechonski MSc (Counseling - Psychology) PGCE
Jure Biechonski is a Hypnotherapist - Psychologist and is author and designer of the course material.
Jure brings to the course 25 years of practice as a psychotherapist and 9 years study of Hypnotherapy and NLP. He is the director of one of the United Kingdom's largest and most respected schools of hypnosis, counselling and psychology. He is the creator of the world's first Hypnotherapy - Psychology program.
Former teacher and actor, he has eight years of academic education plus three years of training in Humanistic

The Alchemy Institute of Healing Arts 567-A Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (800) 950-4984 Outside the US (707) 537-0495 FAX: (707) 537-0496 e-mail: web:

For information about SACH INTERNATIONAL please contact: SACH INTERNATIONAL The Jontons, Blind Lane, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9SN. United Kingdom Tel: +44 1277 659404 Fax: +44 1277 659403 e-mail: web:

Transactional Hypnoanalysis (THA)by Jure Biechonski MSc UPLOADED 12.9.2005
What is Transactional Hypnoanalysis (THA)?
THA is part of transpersonal psychology and works with the theory that our personalities are made up of many different parts. The aim of THA is to integrate the aware ego within the personality by teaching us how to access our different personality parts in hypnosis. During hypnoanalysis we learn how to nurture those parts of our personality that have been suppressed, and how to disempower those that have become inflated.
By learning to access the different parts of our personalities we gain a much deeper understanding of ourselves, which then affects our relationships, our ability to express our spiritual experiences and ourselves. The overall aim of ego integration in THA is healthy psychological management of the personality as a whole.
“The only devils in the world are those running in our own hearts, that is where the battle should be fought” - Mahatma Ghandi.
As we have separated and split our mind from our body, to avoid anxiety; we have disassociated from our body and lost any relationship with it. We are or all mind or all body, we do not listen to our bodies, and any aches and pains or sensations, which is the way that the body communicate with us, are immediately suppressed by chemicals. It is like driving your car and hearing to a loud noise from the engine, instead of checking what is wrong we put ear plugs in our ears and continue driving.
Within our body, we are more concerned about its external appearance rather than its internal functions, we have disowned our hearts, our stomach our liver and even our sexual organs.
Unconsciously we store our stresses and anxieties within our bodies, to avoid their existence, by doing that we block energy flows in our bodies, creating energy blockages and develop diseases that mostly do not exist in the natural world. And as we know that some thoughts can make us feel cold and some feelings can make us hot, we become aware to what extent the mind and the body are affecting each other.
I wonder if sentences like heart ache, follow your heart, feeling dizzy in the head, sick in the stomach, are not part of our collective unconscious and our archetypal tendencies that we have developed as a result of our evolution?
We have also created a dichotomy between our logical thoughts and our feelings and sometimes we experience ourselves as an internal battle field, fighting between how we feel and what we think, analysis-paralysis we find ourselves stuck between two forces, as a battle between the Freudian id and the Freudian super ego, while the ego just hangs around feeling completely redundant.
Follow your heart or follow your head, standing at the crossroad of life for ever, unable to make a decision.
From the known:
Visualisation -
Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.
Imagine you can turn your eyes inwards… scan the inside of your head… identify any areas of tension…. discomfort… scan the inside of your neck… shoulders …. arms ….hands ….fingers … m ove down to your chest and upper back….. identify any areas of tension….tummy … lower back … .p elvis …… identify any areas of tension… legs… knees.. calf muscles…. feet…. Identify any areas of tension…
Complete in your head the following sentence: ‘ Physically I feel …… '

To the unknown:
Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.
Remember your week, people you met, situations you have experienced …..
Yesterday evening who where you with? Were you on your own? How did you feel?
You woke up this morning, felt…. made yourself ready to come here, imagine your way here…. any thoughts… any feelings…..
arriving here…. meeting other people ….
Complete in your head the following sentence: ‘ Emotionally I feel … …'

And now explore how the emotional responses reflect the physical & vice versa and how the emotional and physical sensations can be linked.
Because the mind affects the physical body, and the physical body affects the mind.

Ask your client where in their body they feel tense in the moment, identify the organ.
Ask the client to become the organ, give that organ a shape a colour, a noise, a sound, a voice.
Create a dialogue between the organ and the client's ego (remember the organ is a sub personality)
Ask the client if there is another organ that they would like to talk to, create a dialogue between the organs and the client.

According to Voice dialogue those organs might be part of our primary selves or the place in the body that we store those primary selves, or Jungian personas. We might also have some organs that we disown which will represent our disowned selves. By giving each one of them a voice, by creating a balance between them, by letting your heart speak your mind we are moving towards the aware integrated ego.
To be more creative and avoid, as far as possible, interference of the critical factor of the conscious mind, I suggest the following:
Ask your client to imagine an animal coming out of their head and an animal coming out of their stomach, identify the animals, the animals are now walking on the path in front of you, what happens next……?
Ask the client to be each animal in turn and create a dialogue between them, what are they saying too each other?....
what are they saying about you?.....
what would you like to say to them?.....
Remember that on an analytical level you are dealing with the inner world of the client, but on a humanistic level you avoid any interpretations and allow the client to provide the meaning. It is advisable also to allow the client to bring the story to an end in their own unique way, even if the outcome is not favourable it still reflects where the client is at.
There are references in the literature suggesting that each part of our body reflects a feeling or has a meaning, I would strongly recommend avoiding other people's interpretations and allowing your clients to give their own private meaning to their bodies.
The heart:
feeds the mind,
feeds the body
keeps it alive
does not get the thanks it deserves,
By not listening to the heart and not letting it speak, we are blocking the flow of energy around the body, causing blockages and distress…. so …..
listen to your heart, give it a voice, it is speaking to you, listen from a sacred space..........
By denying the heritage of our soul, our ancient memories and life experiences we are overloading the heart, it needs to off load, it needs to express, to fulfil its sacred destiny of guiding us through our emotional lives.
Let your heart speak to your Mind.
This is an abstract from a paper, the full text of which can be read at
Jure Biechonski MSc (Counselling-Psychology) PGCE Course Director SACH International.
Jure Biechonski is an experienced Counselling Psychologist and is the founder and director of SACH International (School of Analytical and Cognitive Hypnotherapy and Integrative Psychotherapy) Jure is currently completing his PhD in Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Jure has over 25 years of practice as a psychotherapist and 9 years study of hypnotherapy and NLP to an advanced level. As a psychotherapist Jure uses hypnotherapy as a tool to accelerate the therapeutic process by accessing the subconscious mind. His qualifications and extensive studies have provided him with a wide scope of various counselling and hypnotic techniques, which ensures a high success rate among his clients

Kohtume kolmapäeval 18.aprillil


Teatan järjrekordsest kohtumisest kolmapäeval 18.aprillil kell 18.00 Männikul.

Kõik soovijad on oodatud!
Tervitustega Lia
GSM: 5534410

laupäev, 14. aprill 2007

Vastus Katrinilt Postimehes ja Delfis ilmunud rünnakutele...

Kõrghariduse Akrediteerimiskeskus Eestis on saanud aru, et me pakume Eestis kõrgharidust ja sellega kaasnevalt anname vastavaid tõendeid ning nad on väljastanud vastavasisulise teate SACH International'ist meedias.
Omaltpoolt olen vastanud sellest tekkinud kohati meelevaldsetele tõlgendamistele ja see on ilmunud Eesti Kõrghariduse Akrediteerimiskeskuse poolt koostatud teate juures (

):1. Akrediteerimiskeskus viitab oma teates Erakooliseaduse § 10-le, mille kohaselt on vajalik riikidevaheline kokkulepe.
Eesti on liitunud 1. mail 2004 EL-iga ning seega kehtib ka Eestis Euroopa Ühenduse asutamislepingu artikkel 60, mis on ülimuslik Erakooliseaduse suhtes.
Art 60 järgi ei tohi liikmesriik seada teenuste pakkumisel EL liikmesriigi isikutele rangemaid piiranguid kui oma kodanikele.
Seega on artikli "Hoidu libakooli eest" neljas lõik eksitav.
Samuti on kool alustanud koolitusloa taotlemist, mida teates ei mainitud, jättes mulje, et kool ei püüagi seda teha.
2. Väidetakse valelikult, et koolil ei ole õigust väljastada Higher Diplomat oma emamaal.
Meil on olemas dokumendid sh Eesti ametiasutusele ENIC/NARIC Keskusele Suurbritanniast saabunud vastus, milles on selgelt öeldud, et tegu on akrediteeritud õppeasutusega, kelle diplom "Higher Proffessional Diploma in Councelling" on aktsepteeritud riiklikult tunnustatava diplomina.
3. Juhime tähelepanu ekslikule väitele, et õpilastel puudub alus taotleda õppepuhkust. Täiskasvanu koolituse seaduse § 8 kohaselt on võimalik saada kõigil õppepuhkust sõltuvalt õppe liigist, isegi sõltumata sellest, kas asutusel on koolitusluba.
Lisaks:* Kursuse infomaterjalis on viide laenuvõimalustele (nt. Soovilaen SEB Ühispangas, hariduslaen Nordeas), kuid mitte riiklikule õppelaenule.
Kui õpilased on uurinud selle saamise võimalikkust iseseisvalt, siis on tegu vaba initsiatiiviga püüdes selgust saada erinevatest võimalustest.
Me pole ka väljastanud dokumenti, mis on aadresseeritud pangale riikliku õppelaenu saamiseks.

* Nagu varemgi teatatud, oleme Inglismaa kooli registreerimas eraldi ka Eestis.
Koostatud ja esitatud on Haridus-ja Teadusministeeriumile dokumentatsioon täiskasvanute tööalaseks koolitamiseks koolitusloa saamiseks ning ministeeriumi vastuses sellele, ei leidu ühtki sisulist tõket, märgitud on vaid vormi puudutavad ebatäpsused.
Teadaolevalt ei olegi olnud veel ajaloos juhtumit, kus koolitusluba väljastatakse esimesel taotlusel.
Praegu oleme esitamas korrigeeritud dokumentatsiooni. Samuti on tulevikusihiks järgmiste tasemete koolitusloa taotlus.
Viibin Norras koolitusel ja saabun tagasi varem kui algselt planeeritud ning ametiasutustele esitame nõude ajakirjandusele antud valeinfo ümber lükkamiseks.
Info uuenemisel teavitan kõiki sellest jooksvalt ka e-grupis.

Rahulikku meelt soovides,Katrin

neljapäev, 12. aprill 2007

Postimehe artikkel

Huvitav, kas keegi kommenteerib ka seda kooli administratsioonist?

11.04.07 Männikul

Kohtumine 11.aprillil. Kohale tulid Ove, Kristel, Filipp, Arvi, Elisabeth ja Lia.

Esmalt oli üldine vestlus Eestis levivatele tendentsidele. Arutlesime haiguse ja tervise küsimuste üle. Pisut muljeid kevadisest Peterburist.

Seejärel jagunesime taas kolmestesse rühmadesse ja toimusid hüpno-seansid, perekonna kaardistamine ja tagasiside andmine vaatleja, kliendi ja nõustaja poolt.

Toimunud reaktsioonid: peegeldused, valu, empaatiline tunnetus...

Tajud on erksad, kaob tahtmine lihtsalt targutada, sest see, mida sa näed ja kuuled on nii inimlik, et oma lihtsuses tekitab see valu...

Delfi uudised:

delfi uudised loe kommentaaride alt!

kolmapäev, 11. aprill 2007

04.04.2007 töörühm Männikul

Vastavalt lihavõtte meeleolule ja Lia eemalolekule suunati meid kenasti kiriktuppa, kus altar, aknakaunistused ja mõned pühapildidki seinal.

Kohal 9 tudeerijat (Sille, Maret, Elisabeh, Ursula, Koit, Filipp).
Läinud nädal:
Koit: Kõik hea nagu alati, kõik halb nagu alati.
Filipp: Hea asi see, et tuludeklaratsioonits sai suure summa tagasi, halb - tuju enamus aega suhteliselt halb, rahulolematus töö valdkonnaga.
Sille: hea- et ta täna siin on, halb- sama, sest et ei ole siiani sõudnud,see on kogu aeg häirinud, seest näris, kuigi hoogu võtnud, täna esimest korda.
Maret: hea - tööl keerati kooliasi kasuks, eelmise nädala Jure seminar, halb - töö juures imelikud tunded, ei taha tööd teha, pinnapealne, mõõnaperiood.
Elisabeth: hea- Jure seminar, mis oli väga huvitav, hästi palju tuttavaid inimesi, turvalisuse tunne.halb - väike tüdruk oli vahepeal haige, allergia.
Ursula: hea- vahetas tugikargu kepi vastu, ehk liiklusvahendit ;), halb - palju mitmeid asjaajamisi, ametkondades käimist.

Edasi toimus väikene arutelu juhtumianalüüsi koha pealt, nagu tudengeile kohane. Et kuidas vormistada, ja mida sisse kirjutada ja kui pikk ja jne jne.

Edaspidi toimus kolmestes gruppides nõustamisprotsessid ja Filipp tegi oma kolmikus ka kliendile teraapiaseansi.

Oli mõnus ja ootame ikka kolmapäeviti osalisi treenima.
Harjutamine teeb meistriks!

teisipäev, 10. aprill 2007

Kas me saame aidata?

Lugu ise järgmine. Kaire Kolks abiellub endast hulka vanema ja kriminaalse mineviku (ja olevikuga) Matti Kebinaga. Perre sünnib neli tütart.

Mees on alguses hea isa, siis hakkab välja tulema tema vägivaldsus.

Lõpuks läheb asi nii hulluks, et Kaire ema sõidab inglismaale, leiab seal pagemispaiga, kuid päeval, mil Kairel on ostetud piletid nii endale kui oma lastele emigreerumiseks, tapab mees ta jõhkralt surnuks pekstes.

Tüli algust näeb pealt Matti laps eelmisest abielust, kes külla juhtub, ning tema annabki lõpuks oma isa politseile üles (meedias leidis asi veidi kajastust).

Nüüd on ema Inglismaalt tagasi, 71-aastane naine kasvatab nelja last, kellest vanim on saanud juba täisealiseks. Õnneks on neil Õismäel korter.

Isa mõistis kohus vaid 6 aastaks vangi (või oli 8...) kuna tegu olla sooritatud afektiseisundis.

Mees ähvardab Kaire ema kogu aeg, on saatnud talle tapmisähvardusi ja tahab rõhuda kogu aeg sellele, et vana naine ei saa laste kasvatamisega hakkama, sestap on tal vaja ruttu vangist välja saada. lapsed kardavad, samas, mõtlen, ikkagi nende isa ju, kuigi sügavalt loll ja haige inimene vist.

Lapsed on perekonnanime ära vahetanud. Lastest vajab psühholoogi hädasti 14-aastane, kes on sügavaimas depressioonis.

Oleme (Lastekaitse Ühing) pärast 2 aastat toimunud otsinguid leidnud perele ka mingi tugiisiku, sest ise ei jõua nii palju ju aidata. See eriti ei tööta ikkagi.

Klassikaaslastega (naise poolsed) oleme raha kogunud.

Kaire isa oli alkohoolik, ema lahtuas juba kooliajal, isa suri ka peatselt. Ainus laps.

Matti vanematest pole midagi teada, muud sugulased on ka kõik kas olematud või surnud.

Kairel sõpru polnud, ema elas aastaid juba Inglismaal. Nii et ring on väga väikene.

Kas Sa tead kuskilt, kust saaks taotleda raha?

Mul ei tule selle 14-aastase nimi hetkel meelde, aga ta on ühe psühholoogiga proovinud, see ei õnnestunud. Aga talle oleks küll tõesti abi vaja.

Abi oleks vaja ka vanaemale, aga talle on raske seda vist selgitada, tundub meile.